суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.


Enter search terms or a module, class or function name. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Shelve worked great for iterating through db, but using the items and values methods brought up- UnpicklingError: Variables, expressions, statements, types 3. Python provides a database API that is very useful when needed to work with different type of databases. anydbm

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Yup, from dbm import dumb. It you want all the values, you have to iterate over all the keys. You can use such DBM persistent dictionary when:. The regular expression module Shelve worked great for iterating through db, but using the items and values methods brought up- UnpicklingError: Asked 8 years, 4 months ago. The time module How do we handle problem users? The shelve module Data Structures list, dict, tuples, sets, strings 5. On my system, dbm in Python 3 anydbn to use ndbm, which is equivalent to the dbm module in Python 2.

The heapq module The pickle module 9. Namespace and scoping rules 7.


There are many DBM modules that are unfortunately not compatible. I think this depends which implementation it chooses to use.

When I use that module explicitly, I see the same limitations. Perhaps SQLite would be better?


That said, you can access dumbdbm under the name of dbm. Python supports any DBM database manager and a similar interface. Warning the key and value of each entry must be a string. Except if you need a very specific feature of another DBM module, use the anydbm module. Improving the question-asking experience. Sign up using Email and Password. anyfbm

Is there any way to access dumbdbm with Python 3? If you need a very specific feature of another DBM module, use the anydbm module. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot anydgm you and your coworkers to find and share information. You might want to look at the shelve module, in both Python 2 and 3, which adds another layer over these interfaces allowing you to store any pickleable object.

how to use python anydbm module

If that's true, is there anything else that I could use instead? I'm learning about database files and the dbm module in Python 3. It appears anydbm in Python 2 chooses dumbdbm, which is slower, but does support the full dictionary interface. Notes about sorting lists and dictionaries 9.

The anydbm module

The database is a persistent dictionaries that work like normal Python dictionaries except that the data is written to and read from disk. The main difference lies in the underrlying format.

The os module and sys, and path 8. Post as a guest Name.

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