среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.


Something wrong with this page? It is designed to be simple! Do you know which of your dependencies are unmaintained? Without a timeout in place, your callback is no longer guaranteed to run in the event of protocol or network errors. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. This is to save on useless network round-trips. If the response callback does fire later, it will be silently discarded. jrpc v2

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It will not be called if nothing is pending. A rpc call is represented by sending a Request object to a Server.

JSON-RPC Specification

The data exchange is otherwise identical to the above WebSocket examples: If there was an error in detecting the id in the Request object e. One could jrc process. It is designed to be simple! Queue a call to the other end's method methodName with params as a single argument.

jrpc v2

If the response callback does fire later, it will be silently jepc. One could perhaps even create multiple JRPC instances to assign to different channels.

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Method names that begin with rpc. Specifying null is equivalent to omitting it entirely.

Whenever this document refers to any JSON type, the first letter is always capitalized: See examples in previous section. The non-minified version nrpc a CommonJS module, not suitable for direct browser use. If requests [1, 2, 3] were received, it's entirely possible that responses [1, 3] and a later response 2 may be emitted. This member is used to correlate the context between the two objects. This was generated using browserify --standalone and is thus safe as-is or with various module systems.

If it is not included it is assumed to be a notification. True and False are also capitalized. Jprc recommend an object so that properties can be named and future changes have less risk of breaking anything.

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The value of this member is defined by the Server e. This member MAY be omitted. While it is up to implementations to decide what to do with params: Individually declare that callback is implementing methodName. Normally, JRPC doesn't know how to send data to the other end.

Your callback should call us back with null or false on success, true on error per Node convention. The remainder of the space is available for application defined errors. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked. If a response wasn't received and processed by then, the queued call's return callback is invoked with an error condition and the call is flushed from the queue.

The Server is defined as the origin of Response objects and the handler of Request objects. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. The format is simple:. By convention, it should never be invoked with a third callback argument. Deactivate by setting explicitly to zero. When a rpc call encounters an error, the Response B2 MUST contain the error b2 with a value that is a Object with the following members:.

Each method name including periods '.

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